Friday 26 June 2009

I had to sit through SIX hours of Michael Jackson songs on the work radio last night!

Six. Fucking. Hours.

Oh, and literally after EVERY song was 'MICHAEL JACKSON, AGED 50, HAS DIED!!!"
I daren't even watch TV in case I hear his fucking name again.

Saturday 20 June 2009

I was busy cyber stalking on facebook when I came across this:

I thought, 'corr I remember her! Lets have a closeeaaAAAAARGH! WTF happened to you?!"


at the very LEAST this is what smoking from the age of 12 does to you!

The age range here is 19-22
Also, (not that this post is doing me any favours) the album is titled 'My Single Ladies....Lets Fucking Have It ♥'

The 2nd one from left is the youngest, I give it another year or so before it catches up to her.

Friday 19 June 2009

Things I did at work today

  • Watched Semi-Pro (the not-quite-as-famous-as-anchorman-but-still-quite-good Will Farrel film)
  • Read The Forever War by Joe Haldeman (actually read the whole thing, HIGHLY recommended.)
  • Started Patient Zero, a Zombie techno-thriller by Johnathen Maberry (Joseph Finder compares him to George Romero meets Michael Chrichton...hardly! But still, if you can ignore the laughably cheesy dialogue it's good fun.)
  • Downloaded Commen Dreads by Enter Shikari
  • Played GTA: Chinatown Wars
Things I did that could actually be seen as 'work':
  • Answered the odd phone call
  • occasionally checked/glanced at the cctv monitors (yup, noone's been killed, etc.)
  • performed about 11 bag searches?
  • recorded a lost phone that was reported
This is over a 12hr shift. I honestly can't decide wether my job sucks or not.

the management there don't seem to mind as long as it doesn't make their life harder, or interfere with my main duties (answering the phone *sighs* and the odd false alarm fire drill).
As I'm not allowed to leave the control room unmanned the guys in the gatehouse tend to willingly (I use the term loosely, they're lazy, but apparently its less hassle if they just do it rather than relieve me to do it, I'm not complaining!) do all the physical work, leaving me just the shitty reception duties.

Don't get me wrong, what I'm doing is slacking to the extreme, but there's literally fuck-all else to do!

I'd say it sucks. I actually really enjoy the feeling of EARNING a living; whereas this is just sitting in an office killing time!